Homeostasis of human body function is achieved through the complex interplay of several chemical messenger systems. These systems achieve a finely tuned coordination between the multiple activities of the cells, tissues and organs of the body. The collective action of these systems results in a stable internal environment compatible with the requirements of human life on this planet. The above system is generally composed of the following:
1. Neurotransmitters
2. Endocrine hormones
3. Neuro-endocrine hormones.
4. Paracrines
5. Autocrines
6. Cytokines
In this module, we will study the role of the endocrine system in maintaining homeostasis of the human body, keeping in mind that the function of this system is completely appreciated in isolation from the role played by the other chemical messenger systems. Indeed, interaction between these systems is an absolute requirement to achieve homeostasis. For example, the adrenal medullae and the pituitary gland secrete their hormones primarily in response to neural stimuli. We will also study how disruption of the endocrine system results in several disease states that could become endemic in nature (i.e: Diabetes Mellitus). Finally, we will go over major pharmacological remedies that attempt to regain homeostasis by directly modulating different components of this system.