Course Information
Line Number 103322
Course Name MED332 - Neuroscience (2)
Course Description
Neuroscience II is an integrated course, where all parts of the peripheral nervous system are tackled, starting from the origin in the central nervous system down to the target organs. It covers the cranial nerves and spinal plexuses and their branches. The subject is addressed by Anatomists, Physiologists, Pathologists, Pharmacologists, Microbiologists, and Clinicians. Whenever relevant, the students are exposed to clinical problems to emphasize the explanations of symptoms and signs, investigations and forms of treatments. Practical sessions are held in labs, in order to give students the opportunity to expose their knowledge to discussion and confirm concepts learned in lectures. Two small group discussions of clinical cases are planned at the end of the course, where students are divided into small groups in order to analyze and discuss the problem with the assistance of an instructor . One mini problem is included and left for the students to study and solve as self-learning exercise, knowing that following up the lectures should help in solving it.