Course Information
Line Number 1970417
Course Name MED704Z - Fourth Year Training In Family Medicine
Course Description
This is a clinical a training year for the fourth year family medicine residents at JUST University, 12 credit hours,12 month duration, teaching is a mixture of both didactic-lectures and seminars- and bedside at JUST health center and King Abdulla University hospital(KAUH). The whole year will be at JUST family medicIne clinics, Residents will participate in longitudinal care of patients in the Family Medicine Center at JUST University, during clinic weeks and also during continuity clinics interspersed with other learning. Experiences involve patient care and orientation toward quality care in primary care, residents during this rotation are exposed to different health problems commonly seen at primary healthcare settings. They will be taught how to take the proper, timely managed medical history, examination, and communication skills. They will actively participate in management plan as well. Instruction will be by full time family medicine faculty At JUST, who will help residents develop skills in the evaluation and management of a variety of health problems. Instruction in patient care emphasizes disease prevention, health maintenance, utilization of community resources and management of the emotional aspects of patient care, panel management, with special attention to the appropriate use of consultants. This training year will provide an outstanding learning experience for residents who will spend training period at a university health center and the affiliated hospital.Didactic teaching is composed of lectures and seminars, which are selected based on the common diseases with an emphasis on disease prevention and health promotion.