Course Information
Line Number 507411
Course Name DENT741A - Clinical Training In Endodoutics(1)
Course Description
Jordan University of Science and Technology Department of Conservative Dentistry MClinDent- Endodontics-First Year Dent 741A First Semester 2023/2024 Syllabus Course Syllabus Course Title: Dent 741A First Semester 2023/2024 Course Code: Dent 741 A Credit Hours: Course Coordinator Details: Dr. Taher Al Omari BDS, MSc(Dent.). MEndo RCSEd, Jord. Borad Endodontics E-mail: Office: University campus, Wednesday 8:30am-3:30 pm Semester: First semester 2023/2024 Lecture time: None Place: clinics second floor, Just campus Course Description This is a course with practical components only. It extends over one semester where students will practice clinical endodontics. Students will perform clinical work in the post grade clinics over first semester. The course aims to introduce first year post grade students to conventional endodontic cases. It is designed to reiterate the principles of code of professional conduct, cross infection control, patient-centred clinical work and enhance student?s clinical skills in endodontics. The practical part will be dedicated to consolidating basic principles in; diagnosis, treatment planning, disease processes and control, endodontic scenarios, clinical decision making. Aims & Objectives The course aims to provide dental students with sound knowledge in the following: 1. Making clinical decisions in terms of diagnosis and setting-up of appropriate treatment plans. 2. Causes and management of surgical and non-surgical endodontics. 3. Management of advanced endodontic cases and gaining updated knowledge in endodontic treatment modalities. 4. Causes and management of immature open apex , Vital pulp therapy and pulp regeneration. Coursework Assessment Assessment will be entirely made on work related to clinical activities as well as clinically oriented exams as follow; Intra semester evaluation (40%), this include mid-term clinical case presentation. Final comprehensive exam ( 60%), it will include evaluation of clinical requirements and final case presentation. Total of 2 case presentation for the first semester. Coursework Requirements: Clinical work: Please note: All clinical work will be done strictly under Rubber Dam isolation. The requested clinical load over the semester is: 50- 60 cases distributed as following: 1. 30 cases anterior / premolars 2. 10 cases straight forward molars 3. 10 cases simple retreatment/ anterior- premolars 4. 10 cases VPT, and other treatment modalities A. Warm vertical compaction (majority of cases) Grading Description 9-10: Excellent, ? Impressive student. ? Well-informed, justly critical. ? Good decision making skills. ? Justifies approaches well. 7-8: Good, ? Reassuringly sound, rather than impressive. ? Able to justify only some approaches well, but most appear sensible. ? Adequate decision making skills. 5-6: Fair, ? Supervisor is uncomfortable with student adequacy. ? Not much justification of approaches. ? Decision making and other skills tested are, on balance, unacceptable. 0-4: Poor ? Questionable approaches, ? Sometimes neither justifiable nor justified. ? Poor decision making. Potentially risky to practice