Jordan University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Dentistry
Department of Preventive Dentistry
First Semester, Year 2021
Course Syllabus
Course Information
Course Title Advanced Periodontology I
Course Code Dent 776
Prerequisites None
Course Website N/A
Instructor(s) Prof. Rola Habashneh, Dr Hammad, Dr Abdelhafez, Dr Al Shorman, Dr. Malek Hudieb
Office Location
Office Phone
Office Hours
Teaching Assistant(s)
Course Description
This is This is a 2-credit hour postgraduate theoretical course. It is the first specialty course in periodontology,
and is designed to provide postgraduate students of periodontics with an introduction to theoretical and
clinical concepts in periodontology. This course will enhance previous knowledge and provide students
with new information with regards to both basic science and practical fields. Most lectures in this course
will be given in conventional lecture style. Assignments and/or quizzes may be given to students by staff
participating in the course.
Text Book
Title Lindhe's Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, 2 Volume Set, 7th Edition
Niklaus P. Lang (Editor), Tord Berglundh (Editor), William V. Giannobile (Editor), Mariano Sanz (Editor)
Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, 2 Volume Set, 6th Edition
Niklaus P. Lang (Editor), Jan Lindhe (Editor)
Other References Oral histology, development and function 4th edition by Ten Cate
Biology of Periodontal connective tissues by PM Bartold and Narayanan.
Assessment Policy
Assessment Type Written exams
Mid exam 25
Final Exam 50%
Assignments/Quizzes 15%
Attendance, participation and attitude 10%
Course Objectives Percentage
1. 1. 1. Providing the incoming graduate student with an introduction to Periodontics.
2. Reviewing the embryology, anatomy, histology, and biochemistry of the
periodontal structures.
3. Covering different theories explaining the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases.
4. Enhancing students? knowledge of the role of different etiological and risk factors
involved in the development of periodontal diseases
5. To provide students with required clinical knowledge to enable them to properly
conduct examination, diagnosis, and treatment planning of different periodontal diseases.
6. Enhancing students? abilities to communicate with, and manage various groups of
patients in the clinical environment. Special emphasis will be placed on taking adequate medical history.
7. Promoting the ability to detect abnormalities in the oral mucosa and dentition and
refer patients as necessary, emphasising the importance of dental and medical team
8. Developing students? understanding of the rationale of plaque control and the
importance of dental health education. This course also aims at providing students with
the ability to motivate and practically demonstrate oral hygiene methods to various
categories of patients.
9. Enhancing students abilities to lecture in front of an audience
Teaching & Learning Methods
This is a 2-credit hour postgraduate theoretical course. Most lectures in this course
will be given in conventional lecture style. Assignments and/or quizzes may be given to students by staff
participating in the course.
Useful Resources
Electronic periodicals present at the University Library web site
Course Content
Week Topics Chapter in Textbook & Handouts
1 Introduction Prof Habashneh
Oct 14
2 Embryology, anatomy, histology, and biochemistry of the gingival
Embryology, anatomy, histology, and biochemistry of the PDL Dr Hudieb
3 Embryology, anatomy, histology, and biochemistry of the cementum
Embryology, anatomy, histology, and biochemistry of the alveolar bone Dr Hudieb
Oct 28
4 Classification of periodontal diseases I
Classification of periodontal diseases II Dr Abdelhafez
Nov 11
5 First exam
6 Pathology & pathogenesis of periodontal diseases I. (theories & principles)
Pathology & pathogenesis of periodontal diseases II. (molecular principles) Dr Al shorman
Nov 18
7 Epidemiology of periodontal diseases, periodontal parameters what do they mean?
Etiological & risk factors for periodontal diseases I (plaque/inflamm. mediators). Prof Habashneh
Nov 22
8 Etiological & risk factors for periodontal diseases II (local).
Etiological & risk factors for periodontal diseases III (systemic) Dr Hammad
Nov 29
9 Examination, diagnosis, and treatment planning in periodontics
Radiographic assessment in periodontics Dr Abdelhafez
Dec 6
10 Plaque control rational and techniques.
Gingivitis diagnosis and treatment. Dr Hammad
Dec 13
Sec Exam
Gingival enlargement & other gingival conditions. Dr Hammad
Dec 20
12 Genetic predisposition to periodontitis
Prof Habashneh
Dec 27
13 Prognosis of teeth affected with periodontal diseases Prof Habashneh
Dec 31
Additional Notes