Course Information
Line Number 917210
Course Name CHEM721 - Physicochemical Methods In Inorganic Chemistry
Course Description
The general objective of this course aims to make the students fully acquainted with the theories and applications of group theory, molecular symmetry and its applications as to chemical bonding and molecular spectroscopy. The course starts with definitions and properties of groups, subgroups, classes, and cyclic groups. Once this is covered the course will deals with symmetry elements and point groups, direct product of symmetry elements and multiplication tables of a variety of groups, Mulliken Symbols with different notations. The second subject in this course deals mainly with combination of symmetry considerations and hybridization schemes for ?- type orbitals in different molecules. Next, the subject of projection operator will be covered and also the application of this concept to symmetry adapted linear combination of atomic orbitals (SALCAO-concept). Both ? and ? orbital combination will be covered employing the projection operator concept. The second part deals with Huckle approximation theory which is employed to solve for the energy of different levels for different combinations of cyclic conjugated and linear conjugated ?- systems and the determination of resonance stabilization energy in these molecules, radicals, or ions. The third part will deal with normal modes of vibrations in different molecules and methods of determination of these modes by using symmetry considerations to determine which of these modes are IR-active, Raman-active or both. The last part of this course will cover ligand field theory, Russell-Saunders term symbols and microstates. Finally, the principles and selection rules in vibrational and electronic transition spectroscopies will be discussed in details