The scope of the Introduction to nano-science and Technology (1) course addresses the scientific aspects of nano and explores the practical applications of nano.
This course is divided into six general divisions: (1) The Nano World (2) Synthesis of Nanomaterials (3) Characterization Methods for Studying Nanomaterials (4) Unique Properties of Nanomaterials (5) Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Applications (6) Toxicity and Environmental Issues.
Division 1 ?The Nano World,? reviews definitions and discusses the revolutionary impact of nanotechnology on human civilization. Also, it shows some examples of nanomaterials and nanostructures in nature. Division 2 is titled ?Synthesis of Nanomaterials,? describes general synthetic approaches and strategies while division 3 ?Characterization Methods for Studying Nanomaterials,? deals with the characterization of nanomaterials using modern tools and techniques to provide a basic understanding to students who are interested in exploring this promising area. Division 4 ?Unique Properties of Nanomaterials,? is devoted to explaining that nanoscience is not merely about size. In fact, it is about the unique physical, chemical, biological, and optical properties that emerge naturally at the nanoscale. Next, division 5 ?Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Applications,? talks about applications of nanotechnology in various disciplines such as information technology, pollution, environment, energy, healthcare, consumer goods, and so on. Finally, the last division 6 ?Toxicity and Environmental Issues,? deals with the toxicological issues associated with nanotechnology.