Course Information
Line Number 923810
Course Name PHY381 - Biological Physics
Course Description
# of Lectures Chapter Suggested Problems and Homework 5 4.5 Levers; Mechanical advantage 4.6 Muscles 4.7 Levers in the body 4.8 The Jaws of Animal 4.9 Center of gravity of humans 6.11 Jumping; scaling laws in physiology All related questions 4 8.3 Bending Strength 8.4 Buckling Strength and Structural Design in Nature 8.5 Shearing and Twisting Torques 8.6 Structure and Function 8.7 Derivation of lcr = cr 2/3 All related questions 4 9.7 The Effects of Vibration on Humans 11.7 Human Metabolism 12.4 Heat Conduction 12.6 Radiation 12.7 Temperature Regulations in Warm-Blooded Animals All related questions 5 13.5 Role of gravity in the circulation 13.6 Blood pressure measurements using the Sphygmomanometer 13.7 The Flight of Animals and Airplanes 14.1 Viscosity 14.4 Flow in the Circulatory System 14.7 Centrifugation 15.5 The Heart as a Pump 15.6 The Rise of Sap in Trees; Negative Pressures All related questions 1 Midterm Exam 3 18.1 The structure of nerve cells 18.2 The Resistance and capacitance of an axon 18.3 Ionic Concentrations and the Resting Potential 18.6 Electroencephalography and Electrocardiography All related questions 5 22.5 Sound Detectors 22.6 Auditory response 22.8 Ultrasound 23.5 Total internal reflection 23.11 X-ray diffraction and the structure of biological molecules 24.7 The Human Eye 24.13 Optical defects of the eye All related questions 5 30.1 Radioactivity 30.2 Half-life 31.1 The Interaction of Radiation with Matter 31.2 Radiation and its units 31.3 Harmful effects of radiation 31.4 Chronic radiation exposure 31.5 Radiation in Medicine All related questions