Jordan University of Science and Technology

Chemical Diversity of Bioactive Secondary Metabolites from Filamentous Fungi, Cyanobacteria, and Tropical Plants Relative to Selected FDA-Approved Anticancer Agents

Authors:  Tamam El-Elimat, Xiaoli Zhang, David Jarjoura, Franklin J. Moy, Jimmy Orjala, A. Douglas Kinghorn,  Cedric J. Pearce, and Nicholas H. Oberlies

A collaborative project has been undertaken to explore filamentous fungi, cyanobacteria, and tropical plants for anticancer drug leads. Through principal component analysis, the chemical space covered by compounds isolated and characterized from these three sources over the last 4 years was compared to each other and to the chemical space of selected FDA-approved anticancer drugs. Using literature precedence, nine molecular descriptors were examined: molecular weight, number of chiral centers, number of rotatable bonds, number of acceptor atoms for H-bonds (N, O, F), number of donor atoms for H-bonds (N and O), topological polar surface area using N, O polar contributions, Moriguchi octanol?water partition coefficient, number of nitrogen atoms, and number of oxygen atoms. Four principal components explained 87% of the variation found among 343 bioactive natural products and 96 FDA-approved anticancer drugs. Across the four dimensions, fungal, cyanobacterial, and plant isolates occupied both similar and distinct areas of chemical space that collectively aligned well with FDA-approved anticancer agents. Thus, examining three separate resources for anticancer drug leads yields compounds that probe chemical space in a complementary fashion.