Jordan University of Science and Technology

Waiting time of public transport passengers in Jordan: magnitude and cost

Amir Shtayat, Mohammed Abu Alfoul, Sara Moridpour, Njoud Al-Hurr, Khalid Magableh, Ishraq Harahsheh
Amir Shtayat, Mohammed Abu Alfoul, Sara Moridpour, Njoud Al-Hurr, Khalid Magableh, Ishraq Harahsheh

This paper is a research study investigating the magnitude and cost of waiting time as experienced by public transport users in Jordan. This study also used spatial analysis to measure services provided for public transport routes according to the average waiting time. Methods: The data for waiting time of public transport users were collected using field observation and a professional spatial analysis applied to identify several locations experiencing short time delays. Results: This study found a relationship between the total costs of waiting time, including wasted time and money, and revealed that the money spent by the passengers was more than their average monthly income. Conclusion: The findings can be used as valuable information for researchers, government policy-makers, and transport agencies to firstly, develop more punctual public transport modes; and secondly, manage public transport trips to minimize time delays.